Let's say we want to get the following output...
Global Administrator, Technical Administrator, Global User
... from the below JavaScript object ...
var myObjArray = [
{roleCode: "GlobalAdmin", roleDescription: "Global Administrator"},
{roleCode: "TechnicalAdmin", roleDescription: "Technical Administrator"},
{roleCode: "GlobalUser", roleDescription: "Global User"}
Simply put, we need to get a comma delimited string from an array of objects by using JavaScript. More in detail, we just want to get the result from a specific field for each element in the array, this case as from roleDescription
A simple way of achieving it is by using the map() and join() JavaScript functions:
The map() method creates a new array with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the calling array.
The join() method creates and returns a new string by concatenating all of the elements in an array.
var myObjArray = [
{roleCode: "GlobalAdmin", roleDescription: "Global Administrator"},
{roleCode: "TechnicalAdmin", roleDescription: "Technical Administrator"},
{roleCode: "GlobalUser", roleDescription: "Global User"}
// Returns a new array with role descriptions
return element.roleDescription;
// Concatenates elements from previous role description array with a comma and a blank
.join(", ");
The map() method returns a new array holding elements with just "role descriptions" and then, the join() methods concatenates all the elements from the previous array by using the ", "
, namely, a comma and a blank.
So, it is very easy, do not use weird loops for getting the same!!